
About the Journal

Hitik: International Journal of Catechists and Religious Educators is the official international journal publication of the Religious Educators Association of the Philippines (REAP), Inc. It is an open access journal that publishes research journal articles bi-annually. Articles published in this journal undergo a double-blind peer review process and typically come from the research papers presented at the annual National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education organized by DLSU and REAP inc. and submissions from catechists, theologians, and religious educators of different faith traditions. The journal considers the diversity of faith traditions in the Asian region and the world in general. In response to this plural condition, we welcome interdisciplinary studies and critical essays to advance understanding of the relevant and emerging issues in catechesis and religious education.

This Journal Publication accepts articles with multidisciplinary interests in catechesis, religious education, values education, theology, spirituality, and other related topics.

Hitik is a Filipino word that means “abundant”, a description that may be given to the growing number of people interested in studying catechesis and religious education. Since the journal is the official publication of REAP, Inc., the association’s scriptural basis from Mt. 9:37-38, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest”, has inspired the dawn of this academic journal. There is an abundance of scholars and, at the same time, an abundance of knowledge waiting to be published in this international journal publication.

Articles published in the Hitik: International Journal of Catechists and Religious Educators represent neither the views of the Religious Educators Association of the Philippines (REAP), Inc. National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education Conference Proceedings, the Religious Educators Association of the Philippines, Inc., nor the editors/reviewers. Responsibility for opinions expressed and the accuracy of facts published in the articles rest solely on the authors. Similarly, any infringement or violation of the copyright concerning the photos posted is the authors’ sole responsibility.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Hitik: Internationa Journal of Catechists and Religious Educators (12th National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education)
                    View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Hitik: Internationa Journal of Catechists and Religious Educators (12th National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education)

This issue presents some of the research papers presented at the 12th National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education last June 21-22, 2024 at the University of Saint La Salle, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, with the theme “Research in Religious Education and Theology: Issues, Trends, and Developments”. 

Other published articles are written by religious educators from different parts of the Philippines.

Published: 12/27/2024

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Hitik: International Journal of Catechists and Religious Educators is open access and always free

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